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There are many Freeware Audio Editor and Recorder mp3DirectCut available in a current version for Windows. There is another dark mode option with more edits, customizations and features included in the update.
If we look at the new version in mp3DirectCut 2.37, the Entwickler is one of the symbols of the Benutzeroberfläche, making it a larger Schaltflächen symbol. The next day we received an additional option in Namur “Ausgabegerät offen lassen”.
You can no longer wait for the software update to version 2.37, but optimal optimizations and corrections have no longer been implemented. Genaue Auskunft über die Anpassungen können Nutzer in den official release notes nachlesen.
- Dark mode option
- Big button symbols
- Keep the Output Device option open
- Some bug fixes, improvements and adjustments
mp3DirectCut 2.37 – Release Notes
mp3DirectCut can use the alternate Audacity and audio directory to download the download version from ComputerBase. More information about the project originates from the project official website.
4.5 Sterne
Audacity is a freer audio editor and audio recorder for Windows, Linux and macOS.
4.6 Sterne
mp3DirectCut is a simple software that causes problems when playing MP3 and AAC data.
4.6 Sterne
Ocenaudio is a software for playing, playing, playing and playing audio data.
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